Friday, November 6, 2015

Why are plant enzymes so important in aromatherapy blends?

What are plant enzymes and how can they help us?
Plant enzymes breaks down proteins, fats, carbs and starches.  Enzymes are commonly discussed when it comes to digestion.  So in aromatherapy, to help the body digest the essential oil via topical and inhalation applications, enzymes can be helpful.  In elaborating, enzymes break down protein structures such as allergens, skin and pet dander, stains and the exoskeleton of insects, fleas and ticks.  So this is why I recommend added it to certain blends.  It also enhances tissue and cellular hydration, so I add it into most of formulas, including my facial toner and any skin support blends. I sell the one I use in my online store if you want to take a look at it -  It is not required in blends, but something I wanted to share as I have found many benefits with it in aromatherapy.

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