Wednesday, November 4, 2015

What's going on in your terrain?

What's going on in your internal terrain?  Most of us don't pay attention to our body and mind when it is working for us.  We only give it attention when we feel pain, can't function, sick in bed, runny nose, get a hemorrhoid or have intestinal upset. What if you could ask your body, "hey, what would you like this month so that you don't break down on me?"  Well, you can with the DermaGrid Scan. It offers the latest in technology to help us identify some herbals, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and foods that can nourish our body to help it be happy and work every day.
In our world of technology, smartphones and virtual businesses, we can now assess our specific wellness needs with the Dermagrid Scan.  You can watch a video on it's technology at  I have found it to take the guesswork out of what herbs I should be taking, which essential oils would help my mood, what skin care practices I need to be doing to make my skin glow and what foods would be beneficial.

In a nutshell, DermaGrid uses a geometric grid pattern (like a fingerprint) to do skin analysis and a 32 body system (including yin or yang, support or cleanse) assessment. It evaluates a skin image with a comprehensive database, using 3 types of dermal characteristics – Contour, Texture and Pigment Analysis.

The DermaGrid Scan is simple.  I can do these for anyone, anywhere in the world. All it takes is for you to answer a few simple questions and email or upload a picture of the back of your hand - it must be a close-up picture of a clean skin surface, from knuckles to wrist with little to no background. You can complete the questionnaire and upload your hand picture at  Once I receive your questionnaire, I will email you a detailed report highlighting suggested protocols that best match your skin and wellness needs. These scans run $35, but are free in the month of November 2015, in honor of ThanksGiving. A thank you to you and a giving of a special health tool.

Contact me if you have any questions - or

On a side note, if you are a natural health practitioner, wellness spa or salon, esthetician, massage therapist, chiropractor, dermatologist, dietician, skin care and/or cosmetic specialists, supplement distributor and/or weight loss specialist, this technology can enhance services you provide to your client. No equipment, software to download or experience required. There is a one time activation fee and a monthly fee to access the database. There are 3 membership types depending on the size of your business. Click here to get started,

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