Friday, May 29, 2015

Top Mineral Make-up of Choice

We all want to be healthier and to consume and use healthy products. Nowadays, we have to walk around with google on standby on our smartphones so we can research and understand the plethora of ingredients listed on labels. That is why I am a big advocate in researching companies and knowing your "suppliers" of the products you want to use. It helps take some guesswork out which saves us time, and ultimately money. Take make-up for example. With the exception of color additives and a few prohibited substances, cosmetics companies may use any ingredient or raw material in their products without government review or approval (FDA 2005). Whereas the European Union has banned more than 1,000 ingredients from use in cosmetics, the FDA has only prohibited 8 including chloroform and bithionol.This is crazy which prompted me to find a really good, low-no toxic mineral make-up. It is by Youngevity and has good pricing, offers great coverage as well as a variety of colors. Here is a video showing a makeover using the mineral make-up so you can see how good it is - Let me know if you want to order some to try. They have some kits to get you started. You can shop now at 
‪#‎YoungevityMakeUp‬, ‪#‎JennScents‬