Monday, March 30, 2015

The Power of Networking in Small Business

I started my business 13 yeas ago and I will say, one of the biggest contributors to my success was getting involved in the local networking groups.  It was a way for me to meet people, share what I love, and overcome my fear of public speaking (although this was a bonus, I would have never did it if someone time I'd have to speak in public, lol). Well, I've been mentoring some friends who are involved in the same direct sales businesses as me, and I thought I'd share our business topic of the month.

Here are my tips for successful networking -

Choosing a Network Group
  • Research and make a list of all of the network groups in your area, or in the area you want to be.
  • Attend each of the groups at least once to see if it is a good fit for you.  Some you may have to attend 2-3 times. The key to successful network groups, is that you attend every meeting and event.  You must be involved as these people will become your friends and your advertisers.  When they see you often, you will be top of mind and they will refer to you.  Must combine attendance consistency with group content.
  • At first, I would narrow that down to 1-3 groups so you can stay focused, not get too overwhelmed and participate.  Then if you find that the “social” aspect is equivalent to being in your office, and business is growing, you may want to be involved with several groups.  For me, it started with 1 leads/network group. Then went to 2, then 3 then 6.  I found that the socializing part took the pressure off, allowed people to ask me questions when they were ready (in a non-sales, non-threatening way) and I was always available.  And it was more fun that being stuck in an office. This helped me build a rapport, trust, credibility and confidence over time that people began to seek me out more often.

Network Group Content
  • You first need to understand the structure of the meeting.  In one of my groups, we went around the room and did our “1 minute commercial”.  For me at the time, I was promoting aromatherapy, so I would feature a different product or essential oil (just 1) every week. I found that 1 powerful opening sentence that describes who you are and what you do, then 1-2 sentences of content about the product you want to spotlight (not sell), then closing statement that drives action (like, “My name can contact me via email or phone, and I look forward to helping people...”)
  • Make a list of group content topics so you are prepared each meeting to share in a confident, powerful, friendly and fun way.  You want to choose products or services that are combinations, unique, serve a specific purpose, that you can’t really get anywhere else. If I was to share information about the good mineral make-up I found, I use and now distribute, I'd say something like...
    “Hi, my name is Jennifer. How many people have or know someone who has a serious health concern? [I'd raise my hand] And if you or they could minimize their toxic exposure that feeds that health concern, would you do it?  [I raise my hand].  Well, did you know that studies show that in the morning women apply over 126 chemicals (in 12 different products) before they leave the house (also known as topical ingestion)? And that during their lifetime, women will ingest approximately 126 pounds of lipstick?  That could be your wife, mom, sister or friend.  Isn’t that crazy?  That was me until my friend and I found a solution that decreases the amount of "toxic topical ingestion", simply but switching what I was already buying, to a healthier source.  My name is Jennifer. If you’d like help switching what you use to something healthier, you can call or email me anytime.”

Getting the most of out network groups
  • Know what to say when people ask you, “what do you do?”.  “I am.... and I help people...”. You want something that states what you do, who you are and what type of referral you would like, all in one, non-sales-like sentence. remember, it's about building relationships, not just selling a product.
  • After you have become a group member, ask how you can be a featured guest speaker at one of their meetings.  Some groups allow 1-2 members to do a 15 minute presentation.
  • Ask to be a vendor at networking events, volunteer to work the “group booth” as this will bring you notoriety, and help people become familiar with you.  The more they see your face, and in a capacity of helping, the more they will feel comfortable with you.
  • Partner with other members for events, home party opportunities, speaking opportunities, referral network.
One of my passions is helping other health-prenuers realize their dreams. If you are looking to start and build a successful part r full-time home business, let me know.  We can chat about your goals and opportunities to make that happen. 

Have a super healthy and happy day!  :)

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Natural Cleaning with Aromatherapy

Essential oils can be a powerful tool when cleaning naturally.  Cleaning green is not just a fad, but very important when it comes to our health - physically, mentally and emotionally. Chemical exposure has been scientifically linked to a number of health disorders, as well as mental imbalances and nutritional issues.

My natural cleaning journey began 13 years ago.  I was diagnosed with sever Crohn's, colitis, leaky gut and IBS.  I was a complete mess and barely could get out of bed everyday.  I had to take  sabbatical from my job, erase everything on my calender for the next several months, and do a complete overhaul on my life.  Cleaning green was one of the first places I started.  Who knew that being exposed to bleach, window cleaners, bathroom and kitchen cleaners, carpet powders and "fragrant" room sprays can put your body and mind into a tailspin?  I didn't.

After a friend of mine shared some astonishing chemical cleaning facts, and some healthy, natural cleaning substitutes, my life and health began to change.  My sinuses weren't stuffed up, my stomach wasn't rumbling and upset, my skin got better and hydrated, my mood changed.  All because of some simple household upgrades.

So, what was the secret?  Essential oils, baking soda, vinegar, liquid enzymes and a soap concentrate.  Yep, that's it.  Everything I needed to clean in just these simple, pronounceable ingredients.

Hopefully you can join me on April 11, 2015 at Harry P. Leu Gardens for my live class on Natural Cleaning with Aromatherapy.  We will talk about the benefits of cleaning green and share tips and recipes to replace those harsh chemical cleaners.  Here is the link to register - 

In health, Jennifer, "Health-preneur"

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Looking for a Home-Business - JoinTogether2015 Campaign

Looking for a home-business or adding in a new mind-body product line to your retail store?  Consider Solle Naturals!  The products have made a huge difference in my health - mentally, physically and emotionally.  And, has generated a healthy income with their impressive compensation plan. Contact me if you want to chat more about joining my Solle Naturals Team,, 352.243.9627.  Have a healthy day!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Natural Remedies for Sleep

I get asked a lot, what do you have to help me sleep better. Well, with sleep, it is not an easy or quick answer.  There are many contributors to and forms of insomnia. So a couple tidbits to keep in mind...

Your body works on a circadian rhythm. Every 2 hours, it does maintenance on different body systems.  Your detoxification processes occur at night starting at 11p.  If it were a perfect world, there should be less stimuli and interruption at night, thus giving the body the best environment to grab up all of the toxins, wrap up in "trash bags" and eliminate when you wake up.

With that said, your "second adrenaline" aka "2nd wind", kicks in at 11p, to assist with optimal detoxification. So, you should be I bed by 10p, with no stimuli (no tv, bright colored alarm clocks, radio, etc.), giving your body and mind the ability to quiet down, fall asleep and enter into REM by 11p.  If you are not asleep by 11p, you may not be able to fall asleep until 2a. Or, if you force yourself to sleep, you will awake in 2 hours.

Some helpful tips -
- no sugar or stimulating foods after 7p
- do something in the evening to calm the mind, like journal, aromatherapy bath (Calm EO blend is my favorite), read, crochet, etc.
- exercise, walk or movement early in the day, to increase energy to meet your daily demands allowing you to calm mind in evening
- no caffeine after 3p
- in bed by 10p
- stay hydrated during the day with water and minerals
- herbal remedies such as Adaptogens, Enzymes, Probiotics, Kava Kava, Distress Remedy Flower Essence and an Herbal Sleep Combo like Herbal Sleep or Stress-J.

If lack of sleep becomes chronic, you may want to consider booking an Herbal Consultation with me so we can get to the root of the matter and customize a wellness program specific to your needs.

Happy and healthy sleeping!  :)

A Natural Health Legend - Dr. Joel Wallach

Some of you may have heard of Dr. Joel Wallach, a nutrition research and mineral pioneer! He says, "The body has the innate ability to heal itself if it has access to all the known raw materials: The 90 Essential Nutrients!". He created a surrounded by these 90 essential nutrients called Youngevity. I was introduced to them last year when Jordan Rubin merged Beyond Organic with him, and have been very impressed. In fact, Jordan's dad learned from Joel when Jordan was growing up. Well, I came across this fascinating testimony by Lauren Knievel, the niece-in-law of Evel Knievel (the famous dare devil) and wanted to share. Also, here is the link to the Youngevity website to check out the famous 90 essentials...

In 1997 Dr. Wallach was contacted by Lauren Knievel, the niece-in-law of Evel Knievel (the famous dare devil). She was two and a half months pregnant, and her embryo had been diagnosed with Down syndrome at the two and one half month stage by both an amniocentesis and an ultrasound by two separate laboratories. She wanted to avoid an abortion that many were recommending. This was the first time that Wallach had to answer the question, “can the embryo be saved and the Down syndrome ‘gene defect’ be reversed?” Wallach answered that he didn’t know; he had never been asked before to intervene in an early pregnancy to save an embryo. He told her, however, if she wanted to try, he was willing to try and would do his best. Wallach knew that they must work quickly, as the window of time that would allow a reversal of such a ‘genetic defect’ may have already passed. Wallach put together a formula of all the known 90 essential nutrients and the very day that Lauren Knievel posed the question , “Can the gene defect that caused the Down syndrome in her embryo be reversed?” she began to consume the 90 essential nutrients. Lauren Knievel’s baby was born a full-term perfectly healthy baby— the Down syndrome “genetic defect” had been reversed!

Wallach, Joel (2014-05-20). Epigenetics: The Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission (Kindle Locations 7319-7329). SelectBooks, Inc.. Kindle Edition.